
Pepper Steak Tortilla Cones - Juicy Festive Party Food

 Get the straight from the grill taste with theseSteak au poivre Tortilla Cones. They are juicy, savory, and going to personify gone quick so make a point your guests reach them quickly!

Post Sponsored by Hormel and hosted by #CollectiveBias #newfromhormel #shop

Pepper Steak Tortilla Cones

My economize commented the other 24-hour interval about the lack of variety in our meals lately. I spend much clock time in the kitchen making edible crafts, most of which are sweet, that by the meter dinner rolls around, I just make the same sunset thing. To make up honest after dirtying my kitchen totally day, the last matter I want to do is make yet another mess. I love made from incision cooking, but sometimes, well, fine, many times, I fair-minded want something quick and easy.

I figured if my husband, who lived on chicken patties and turkey sandwiches before he married me, asked for roughly variety, I better sample something new. Luckily for me, this week, Hormel via Social Bias #newfromhormel #CollectiveBias, asked me to look into their newfound Everyday Scratch and their newly Hot Sandwich Meats which are straightaway available in over 200 Ohio area Kroger stores.

Hormel Ready To Go Proteins #shop hosted by #CollectiveBias

On my hebdomadally grocery shopping turn on, I spotted the packages of Hormel's new Everyday Call off right field next to the Hot Sandwich meats in the refrigerated entrees section. On that point were several ready-to-go proteins to take from and I elite Flame Cooked Chicken Breast and the Philly Manner Steak with Sauteed Peppers.

Steak and Pepper Tortilla Cones by #shop

For dinner last night I used the steak which I stuffed into baked tortilla cones. At first glance, this mightiness not flavor like a simple everyday meal, but I had these Steak and Pepper Tortilla Cones ready to eat in under 30 minutes and my economize was well-chosen to see something new on his plate.

I've been wanting to try my hand at making some baked tortilla cones and knew the steak and peppers along with some freshly shredded cheese would taste great in them.

Next time I'll try using the Flame Seared Wimp Breasts too, but for this meal the amount of steak in one container was much adequate for both of us.

Steak and Pepper Tortilla Cones by

Steak and Pepper Tortilla Cones makes 5-6


3 burrito elan flour tortillas
egg wash (1 egg, beaten with 1 teaspoon water)
1-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil colour
1 package Hormel Philly Style Steak with Sauteed Peppers
4 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, chopped
optional: tartness cream and diced tomatoes

Book of instructions:

How to make baked tortilla cones

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cut each tortilla in half. Brush one side with egg wash. Roller the tortilla into a strobilus with the egg wash on the inside. The egg wash testament help "glue" the seams together and hold the tortilla in a cone shape while baking.

How to make baked tortilla cones

You could disrupt the excess tortilla to form a discriminating best edge, but I folded it down and pressed IT in truth well to make up a overnice bond. I felt this really helped to hold the cone together. I did break up a bit of the tortilla that was cloaked around the cone thusly that the seam would be straight, then I ironed down on the tortilla along the seam to secure IT.

Skirmish olive oil over the entire exterior of the tortilla strobile then place a ball of canniste cross inside and set IT on a not-stick tin foil bordered hot sheet (or use quetch tin foil sprayed with cooking spray.)

Bake cones, with the open edge toward the back of the oven, for 8-10 minutes, until lightly golden brown.

Baked Tortilla Cones Filled with Philly Steak and Peppers

Spell the cones are baking, heat the steak and peppers according to the package operating instructions.

Take over the cones unfashionable of the oven and hit the scotch glob. Stuff whatever shredded cheese in the bottom of the cone, and then spoon in some steak, then add a trifle more cheese, then more steak and summit it with more cheese. They are ready to serve.

See that wasn't hard the least bit.

Baked Tortilla Cones Filled with Philly Steak and Peppers

You can top them with a dollop of sour cream and some diced tomatoes if you like. These made a topnotch simple dinner but would likewise make great political party appetizers. I think up I'd habituate littler tortillas to form the cones if I use them for a party and volition try out several of the other new Hormel products. Oral presentation of parties, I'm having one this weekend, and leave have to give these appetizers a try.

I was compensated for sharing this post with you today, but all opinions are my own.

Fun Party Recipes

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